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About the Book

SCAM! How to Avoid the Scams That Cost Victims Billions of Dollars Every Year
SCAM! How to Avoid the Scams That Cost Victims Billions of Dollars Every Year

SCAM! How to Avoid the Scams That Cost Victims Billions of Dollars Every Year is a guide that shows you what scams are circulating right now, as well as how to protect yourself against them.

This book includes the following:

  • information about 30+ types of scams, including ones that involve phishing, smishing, and common payment methods like PayPal and Cash App
  • additional resources to learn more about these scams, including how to report them
  • a list of red flags to watch out for and general tips to avoid becoming a scam victim
  • easy tactics to get scammers to stop bothering you and best practices to follow if you’ve already been victimized by a scammer
  • examples of scam text messages, emails, and voicemail scripts